Comprehensive Canine Communication Certificate


Module 1 Canine Communication – Canine Signalling

Module 2 Canine Communication – Dog to Dog Communication including Fight Behaviour

Module 3 Canine Communication – Dog Play, appropriate and inapproprate behaviours

Module 4 Canine Communication – Human Communication

— OR  —


The ULTIMATE course in Canine Communication!
Created by Nanci Creedon M.Sc who has two decades of experience working with groups of dogs, initially as a dog walker, mixing new dogs regularly, and then as a doggie daycare owner, with large groups of dogs.
For the past decade Nanci has worked as a dog beahviourist.
In all lines of her work, interpreting canine communication is CRITICAL in ensuring both her personal safety, and the safety of her clients.
Unlike most canine communication courses, the Comprehensive Canine Communication Certificate includes an additional module on Human Body Language, and how to adjust your body language to communicate your messages in a manner that dogs undertstand.

A course NOT to be missed by both those who work with dogs, and dog owners alike.

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